Schoettler – Shetler – Schuttler Books

Schoettler Name Book 001
Our Name In History by A book about the Schoettler Name in History.
Schoettler Schwartzendruber  Kauffman 001
Memorial Family History of Daniel Schoettler, Christian Schwartzendruber and Jacob Kauffman – The Little Green Book.  Books are (were) available at the Amish Museum in Kalona, Iowa – Iowa Mennonite Historical Society –
Peter Schuttler Wagons book 001
Peter Schuttler Wagons was established in 1843 on the corner of Randolph and Franklin St., Chicago, IL.
Peter Schuttler Wagon Factory 001
Peter Schuttler Wagon Factory in 1903, located on the corner of 22nd and Rockwell Streets, Chicago, IL
George and Maude Shetler
George W. and Maude Shetler as remembered by their children. A wonderful self-published book put together by their children showing former homes, telling stories about each other and a diary kept by Maude. Every family should do this for their family. I don’t know if there are other copies but you can read mine and the next reunion we both attend.
Smoke Jumpers Book with a story about a couple of Shetlers. Maynard was a “Smoke Jumper” and the book above tells a story of a young man and his brother, Marlyn Shetler. Although conscientious objectors during WWII, were willing to do what they could to help their country as Smoke Jumpers.


Vera Busiek Schuttler Book 001
A book written by Vera Busiek Schuttler, wife of Dr. Charles C. Schuttler of St. Francois County, MO about the History of the Missouri Farm Bureau. She was the board secretary from 1931 to 1941. I don’t know much more about this family other than we share the same name.
If you know of other Schoettler or Shetler or Schuttler publications that you would like to share with the family, please let me know.